Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tightness in chest fatigue

Have you ever experienced tightness in chest fatigue ? you may think there are something wrong with Your heart . However, this is not usually the case. In fact, tightness in chest fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of a panic attack.

This is true even with the mildest cases of this condition. Many individuals aren’t even aware that they may be suffering with panic attacks, but this is actually fairly common. Surprisingly, over 20 million people in America alone suffer with varying degrees of panic attacks, some to the point of disability.

This article will discuss the difference between chest pain due to anxiety and other heart conditions, common symptoms associated with different types of chest pain, and some simple recommendations for what you can do to experience relief from these symptoms.

To begin with, let me just say that chest pain of any type should be evaluated by a qualified doctor to rule out the possibility of a more serious health condition. With that said, are there certain ways you can tell if your chest pain is being caused by an anxiety attack rather than a heart condition? In general, the type of chest pain you will feel with a heart condition is more like someone is sitting on your chest. Physicians describe this as a “crushing” sensation.

Chest pain from an anxiety attack is usually described as a “tense” or “tight” feeling in the chest. Sometimes, the tightness in the chest will also be accompanied by a feeling that your heart is beating really intensely and fast, or like your heart is about to leap out of your chest.
Problems with the heart will also often lead to radiating symptoms. What that means is that you may also experience traveling pain or other sensations in your arm (usually the left arm), jaw, upper back, or neck. This isn’t the case every time, but it is very typical with heart problems.

tightness in chest fatigue is only one of the symptoms you may experience with a panic attack. You may also experience difficulty breathing, unrealistic fears, a fear of impending doom (feeling like you’re going to die), nervousness, a jittery feeling (like you have rushes of adrenaline), among others.

So, why would a person experience tightness in chest fatigue? Well, what is happening is that your nervous system is actually exaggerating your reaction to stress.What this means is that a part of your nervous system called the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) takes over (this is often referred to as the “fight or flight” response), which causes your body to make changes in order to survive the stress. Now, I realize that this sounds a little complicated, but it’s actually very simple how this works.
I like to explain this by giving a simple example of how this works. Let’s say that a bear walks in the room right now as you’re reading this. Your brain will recognize the bear as a threat (stress), and now your body goes into survival mode.The brain will turn on your Sympathetic Nervous System in order to prepare you to either “fight” the bear or “flee” from the bear in order to survive. So, in order for this to happen, the SNS has to make some changes within your body – it will raise your blood pressure (to pump more blood to your muscles so you can fight or run from the bear) and raise your heart rate (hence the feeling like your heart is beating intensely in your chest).This is a natural reaction to ALL stressors (so, the bear isn’t necessarily a bear – it could be your boss, your spouse, your children, the person who just cut you off while you were driving, etc.).In the case of a person who suffers with anxiety attacks, the SNS exaggerates this reaction – you may only have one bear in your life right now, but your brain thinks you have 5 so it intensifies the changes within the body.These attacks can come and go, or even last for quite a long time. It’s different for every person, and you may have all of the symptoms associated with a panic attack, or you may just experience one or two of the symptoms, such as tightness in chest fatigue.

So the problem is not so serious as you thought before , you need to do more exercise and manitain a happy mood ,I believe you will get better soon.

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