Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tips to lose weight

Do you still worry about your overweight? Here I'll introduce a few simple ways to lose weight.

Drink milk after eating steak

Here's a way to feel better about eating that occasional juicy steak. Wash it down with a glass of skimmed milk. According to research, calcium may help reduce the amount of saturated fat your body absorbs. Like fibre, calcium binds with fat molecules and helps flush them out through the intestine.

Instead of seconds have gum

When sanity dictates that you stop shoving food into your face at the buffet or dinner table, but somehow you can't seem to stop, pop mint-flavoured gum into your mouth. It changes the flavour of everything making that third helping of lasagne almost impossible to swallow.

Fork out for a Chinese

When you order a Chinese takeaway, instead of using a spoon to scoop the food out of the carton, use a fork or chopsticks. That way you'll be more likely to leave behind the fatty sauce.

Eat this, then drink

Eat an apple before you head to the local. This will help prevent you from inhaling three bags of crisps and a bucket of nuts when you sidle up to the bar.

Stop for the Egg McMuffin

Believe it or not, you can eat two McDonalds's egg McMuffins and get fewer calories than you would from a bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese. The McMuffins have 580 calories, 24g of fat and 34g of protein. The bagel delivers 643 calories, 28g fat and 20g protein.

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