Monday, October 5, 2009

Cure for Childhood Obesity

Clears the amount of medical literature research, press releases and pediatric literature, it is quite clear that to ensure the treatment of childhood obesity, a simple assumption that children will place calories for the amount of physical activity is appropriate. Clearly, if a child drinks a few cans of carbonated soft drinks, the same child, an extra 300 calories and 20 teaspoons of sugar, which must be consumed to run to avoid obesity. It is estimated that 1 hour will be fierce high-impact aerobics to take to work the extra 300 calories. Weve been to believe that the prevention of childhood obesity complicated and time-consuming and requires a team of nutritionists, fitness experts to ensure that teachers and private investigators that children, like I said I l, theyre.
Ute Fumeaux, CEO and founder of child-educational-toys. Com is the mother of 3 and former aerobics instructor. Background is shes aware of the need to travel for everyone. Ute has always encouraged his children to a wide variety of healthy and delicious natural raw, eating raw foods. Yes, children are seen, but they are facing a very small percentage of children daily calories.

I do not think the human body is ready for the technological revolution, said Professor Egger.
Social factors also contribute to a general slowing of movement, right of first year Childs. Parents are more reluctant than their children can play away from home. Very often, a world Childs limited home and garden.
And it seems to be on TV and computer at home had to climb trees and other outdoor activities in the list of most popular sport. Professor Egger said the proof that television slows metabolism, making it more difficult to burn excess calories. Advertising on television and snacks in the culture of fast food in addition to our areas of vegetation.

Professor Egger is proposed to throw our computers and technology, gaming, after all this is part of whats taking this world so interesting is that all HES suggesting that the balance we are all out. Of course, your child may hours at a computer, watching TV or playing video games, but then, so he / she spent at least an hour to run to hit a ball climbing trees, swimming, cycling, playing chase, rolling, jumping in a trampoline or the pleasure of others, an active game.
Egger suggested the professor is never your child to eat or ice, HES shows that only empty calories, only a very small part of a diet of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts charge (if any), and grains, cereals, lean meats.
Professor Egger propose to teach your children to eat healthily, it is possible in the preparation of food, if possible (most are mothers with it) and teach them to be happy with healthy benefits of regular exercise.
The most important message for all children and parents should be that we all balance caloric intake and energy production and make sure we play with those two.

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