Sunday, October 4, 2009

Symptoms Of Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur as thinning, which can not notice the hair fall out, or shed in clumps of hair falling.

The most common form of hair loss, hereditary) hair loss ( alopecia, men tend to lose hair in the first hairline and forehead and head. After all, the hair around the ears, sides and back the remaining head. Women with this disorder typically have gradual thinning throughout the scalp.

Other causes of hair loss may also show different patterns. For example, conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (pulling hair ) or alopecia (in which the immune system attacks hair follicles profits in the hands of the masses of hair loss, while stress and some medications cause hair clusters.

Because hair is an important part of appearance, hair loss can also cause loss of self esteem and feeling unattractive, especially among women and adolescents.

We have no doubt one of the best methods available today, that we can not transplant pain. Even after this procedure is painless. We are proud to offer the best possible care and comfort for the patient to the transplant. We were the method of hair transplantation in the art and science of comfort.
Natural Results Just also the existing hair grows continuously and naturally, and hair transplantation.
In addition to being a perfectionist, Dr. Nader must constantly renew and to provide the latest technologies and innovative procedures to ensure that patients get the best results. There is simply nothing better than transplants performed by Dr. Nader and his staff. As Dr. Nader makes himself the surgery and patient care throughout the process, our results in any transplant, with always the best that can be offered in case of medical deductibles.

In a hair transplant hair follicles from stereoscopic microscopy, a narrow strip of skin from the donor area in the back of the head with new cutting technique that is closed, so there is no tension on the skin to heal and perfect specimen. The seals of the intersection, so that the hairs grow through the scar. The hair is removed from the sampling point is processed in stereo microscopes fourth generation in particular, identify each plant and carefully separated and pocket do not affect the follicle and its annexes.
Dr. Nader and his staff have the necessary experience to handle any type of hair transplant. Specific protocols for dealing with the environment to the donor and recipient, the process, a treatment that lasts a lifetime. To take the placement of each follicular unit established parameters for the density required for a successful transplant.

All our process takes about 8 to 12 hours. What differentiates us in every phase of the process is our commitment and attention to detail in every aspect. Dr. Nader planned carefully on the edge of the hairline, the central area and the back of the head, determination of structure, direction and angle of individual hairs again. After treatment of hair you every plant in each micro-hole with nothing Dr. developed.

Dryer for 20 years, techniques have recently improved results significantly. Today, Nader Medicine has advanced techniques to provide results for natural and aesthetically undetectable. Picture is of course very important for us and deserves the best available technology and the best result.

In Nader Medicine not only affect us, as we see, after surgery, but later and 20 to 30 years.

If you have not already, you can review the procedures and techniques us.

Hair loss in women can have a significant impact on their self esteem. Hair extensions can add volume and provide camouflage hair fall but also increases damage and the problem is making it increasingly obvious.

1 in 4 women suffer from hair loss or small quantities of the same notice when your hair is always a daily challenge.
We separate the men women hair transplant, because recent studies indicate that the complaints are different and therefore require a different approach.

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